L’associazione di promozione sociale PAOLAB è partner italiana per il progetto “Coaching” – programma Erasmus+ previsto dal 27 settembre al 5 ottobre ad Uzana, località turistica montana della Bulgaria. Lingua ufficiale del progetto inglese. Rimborso spese per il viaggio Italia-Bulgaria (Sofia) 275 euro. Vitto, alloggio e materiale per la realizzazione del progetto a carico dell’organizzazione promotrice del progetto.
Qui di seguito l’infopack realizzato dagli organizzatori del progetto. Per info e candidature:
What is “Unlock your learning potential through Coaching”? The project focuses on one of the most successful but least used methods for realizing the full potential of young people and assisting them in career development – COACHING. The general objective of the project is to prepare youth workers to use the method coaching to develop competences and qualities, that will help them unlock and realize their full potential; to increase their motivation for learning, selfimprovement and personal confidence; to acquire soft skills (self-management, active listening, communication skills and skills for feedback), attitudes towards the development of their organizational culture, team compatibility and personal satisfaction; to realize their own personal values and life goals; to develop entrepreneurial spirit; to be flexible and compatible on the labour market. On the other hand the aim is to provide methods, tools and skills that will allow participants to have full readiness to help others to become more active, independent and aware of themselves and to lead them better in their personal, professional, social development and realization in life in general. To achieve the objectives, the project is directed to work with partner organizations based in countries where there is an identified need and necessity of improving the quality of professional orientation and realization of young people in the labor market. They directly support young people in their personal and professional development and through the project will be able to effectively use coaching as part of the methods and tools that youth workers apply for this purpose. This will increase the quality of youth work for achievement of sustainable results. The project focuses on topics such as: basics of coaching; coaching models and approaches; key coaching skills; opportunities for applying the method coaching in youth work; skills to motivate and support youth for action; leadership skills, including peer leadership and teamwork; active listening skills; communication in networks and exchange of good practices among participants and their organizations, particularly in the area of development of leadership skills. The expected results of the implementation of the project are: increased capacity of the organizations by developing capacity to implement the method coaching, effective support for young people in personal and professional aspect and increase in their self-confidence, initiative and proactivity to realize their potential, development of conscious and trained youth workers who are multipliers of the experience to other young people (direct youth work ) , NGOs ( networking) , and Europe as a whole ( international projects). The methods used to achieve the objectives of the project are training sessions, workshops, simulations, interactive presentations, role plays, discussions, project development and social initiatives. The long-term benefits from the implementation of the project will be: raised capacity and competence of youth work, positive long-term development of the organizations, activities with higher quality based on the method coaching, that will lead to better cooperation, positive and sustainable development of the local communities and opening the local communities for intercultural dialogue and development of European identity and solidarity in more young people. How will we work? The methodology of the training course is conceived in ways that require active participation and exchange between participants. It is based on participants’ own experiences and builds on concrete actions for the future. The methodology of the training programme is based on the main principles of experiential learning cycle and non-formal education. The programme is designed with a logical flow that starts with introduction to concepts and progressively gets into the topic, to end up working on the creation by participants of practical results. This way, the course will close with a document containing all the information gathered in the training. The training course will be fully implemented in English!
Se sei interessato/a a questo progetto invia la tua candidatura entro il 16 agosto con i tuoi dati anagrafici e lettera motivazionale all’indirizzo di posta elettronica: